Madison School Indonesia

A Missionary School.

a group of people standing in a field with flag
a group of people standing in a field with flag

What Is Madison School?

Madison School was founded by Mrs. White with Sutherland and Percy T. Magan. God inspired them in many ways in founding this school, beginning with choosing the land for the school, as there was no money at the time to buy the great farmland God had indicated for the school. After the Madison School was established with only 11 students, the Madison School continued to grow by following God's counsel on education. The school was self-sustaining through its farming and school business endeavors. The school was founded in 1905 and became a very famous school in the USA around 1910-1945. 

This name was chosen by the Alumni of 1000 Missionary Indonesia as the name of the school with the hope that the school will continue to faithfully follow God's counsel in education as Madison School did in the beginning. The school was built by the Alumni of 1000 Missionary Indonesia and all the staff are also Alumni of 1000 Missionary Indonesia.

a group of people sitting around a circle of people
a group of people sitting around a circle of people
a group of people standing around a tree
a group of people standing around a tree
a group of children sitting in chairs in a circle reading the Bible
a group of children sitting in chairs in a circle reading the Bible

Our Objectives.

1. To provide education that builds the character of Christ and the spirit of service.

2. To prepare a generation with morals, character and intelligence.

3. To provide useful knowledge to students according to their developmental level.

a group of children in school uniforms posing for a picture
a group of children in school uniforms posing for a picture

Our School's Vision

Raise up a generation of young people who know God the Creator and Jesus the Savior personally and live by trusting His every word.

Our School's Mission

Organize a school that is run according to the counsel of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.

a group of children praying on the grass
a group of children praying on the grass

For Christ has reminded us: In the world, every human being will face persecution, battles with evil, suffering, and the struggle to overcome oneself. And Christ has told us that in order to face these, man needs the help of divine power. We teach our students this very important lesson at Madison School.

As part of this learning process, every morning after the students arrive at school and before classes begin, we ask the students to pray on the green grass, surrounded by nature, which makes them more aware of God's presence and power. Through this habit of praying, the students learn to realize that they always need God's help, not only in the big things, but in the small things in their lives. God's help in overcoming evil natures, in overcoming thoughts that are hostile to God, is so that students can have Christ-like thoughts and feelings. It is the thoughts and feelings of Christ that will give students peace, prosperity, and joy even in the hardships of life.

With the habit and experience of praying during their education at Madison School, we hope that the students will continue their education with their true Master, Jesus Christ, in their own journey for the rest of their lives.

a group of children working in a field
a group of children working in a field

A field or garden is a child's best classroom, and nature is the best textbook.

Every week the children are directed to work in nature by planting plants or cleaning up the school grounds.

They were very enthusiastic about this activity, which is not a new activity for them as children of farmers. They are happy to do it together with their classmates and teachers with simple tools. They feel that planting or cleaning the school garden is a fun learning activity, so they always have fun doing it.


Our Latest Video

Our Latest Video

Praise God that our school has been able to operate because of His provision. We are also very grateful to the donors who have given their belongings to support this work of God. If you would like to donate to this work of God, we from the school would like to thank you very much and may God bless you.

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